Friday, March 20, 2009

You can be a loser too

Prizes for being in our Relief Society Biggest Loser.
If you got a perfect score in any area, then you got a prize. I was perfect in :
drinking all your water
no soda--
no eating before bedtime--brownie with an icing clock
getting 7 hours of sleep--eye cover
and no sweets! can you believe that?--a big box of cookies

Pink Slip Friday

To show support for teachers who may be getting the pink slips everyone wore pink to school. Note Aaron wore a pink bandana in his back pocket.

Get your ears on

Tea cups --this is what we chanted while riding:
"I'm dizzy, I'm dizzy, I'm dizzing"--we were laughing the whole time!

Happy Birthday Ry!

Ry Lego Birthday cake

Monday, March 2, 2009

NYC eats



Black and white-a must in the city.

I wanted to get a square jelly doughnut, but they are only open early in the morning.

New York

Colleen took this shot of us walking in NYC.